The best customer experience in retail

The best customer experience in retail?

The Retail Summit conference was held at the Prague Congress Center from 21 to 23 September 2021. This was the first big event in a long time with almost a thousand participants.

The conference aimed to outline a new reality for business - which was not the original idea, but it was the only option in the “post-Corona” period. Unlike other areas, such as gastronomy and tourism, which the crisis of the past two years has truly damaged, the situation in the retail sector is inspiringly positive, almost euphoric. It almost seems that in the fight for survival, many people were able to get the best out of themselves and quite often in a record short period of time. For those who were able to adapt literally overnight to rapidly changing conditions, to seize opportunities and launch new services and products, this has provided huge profits and opened up new opportunities.

The retail sector is definitely inspiring through the use of modern technologies. There are basically two main directions. The first direction traditionally concerns the supply chain. The introduction of new technologies increases the efficiency of the entire purchasing process, saves costs and reduces negative impacts on the environment, which is currently a major topic. The modern discipline, called Supply Chain 4.0, is a huge segment where everything is related to everything. The other direction is literally the pursuit of providing the best possible customer experience. The cutting-edge technologies of modern times in both directions provide weapons of mass destruction hidden behind laconic abbreviations – AI, AR/VR, IoT...

Once again, at Cleverbee we are able to confirm that the development and success of every business is directly related to data, or extraction of the maximum amount of data, their analysis and the accuracy of the predictions on which all planning, decision-making, development and success of each business stands and falls. We love data and we are able to handle it for mora then just the best customer experience….. :-).